2014 PRI Trade Show Fuels Optimism in Racing Industry |
days of enthusiastic buyers packing the aisles and shopping
the latest technology from more than 3200 booths generated
record numbers at the 27th Annual Performance Racing
Industry (PRI) Trade Show at the Indiana Convention
Center in Indianapolis. “It’s been a great Show,”
said John Kilroy, PRI Trade Show producer
(pictured right). “The PRI Show is often
a reflection of the state of the racing industry. From what
we saw, the state of the industry has some real strength
and momentum to it.”
Full booths and attendees eager to buy gave exhibitors similar
optimism for the coming year.“The Show has been tremendous,”
said Scott Highland from longtime exhibitor CV Products.
“This is the best Show we’ve seen in years,
we’re very happy here. I see a lot of optimism - the
racing industry is improving, and we’re thinking there’s
going to be a lot more people involved in the sport in 2015.
People are placing orders and committing right now; there’s
definitely going to be some race engines built in 2015.”
Those thoughts were echoed by exhibitors throughout the
Show. “Thursday and Friday we had an excellent crowd,
and everything’s still going on Saturday, so it looks
like it’s going to be a very promising show for us,”
relayed Rob Remesi of Jesel. “A lot of engine builders
have been by and a lot of new customers, as well as returning
customers that we get a chance to see face-to-face. We’ve
got very serious buyers here. 2014 was a strong year, and
if everything goes like the indications that we’ve
seen here at the Show, 2015 is going to be an excellent
year for us.”
Ron Coleman of Comp Cams aptly summed up the three-day event:
“The PRI Show is the premier show for performance
in racing. If you do engine machining or engine building
or you’re at the leading edge of technology, you’re
here and you’re showing off.”
In addition to three days of crowded exhibit aisles, the
Show's Race Industry Week hosted more than 30 conferences,
seminars and special events, including the 2014 National
Championships of the Hot Rodders of Tomorrow Engine Challenge
and the Advanced Engineering Technology Conference.
Preparation is already underway for the 2015 PRI Trade Show
at the Indiana Convention Center, December 10-12. “We’re
going to look for ways to tune it up and possibly add some
other layers of excitement to the show to make it better,
not necessarily bigger – that’s not our goal,
just to make it the best possible racing trade show for
the industry,” Kilroy added.
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