Dragtime News On Location
Dan Pazak puts together a nice dead-8 pass to advance to round 2. He also had a big advantage at the 'Tree, .074 to Joe Cokinos' .117.
Todd Hoven in the AA/SA hemi Dodge takes an easy win here as his opponent Rich Boyle goes .273 on the 'Tree, and that was that.
Our friend Ron Infantino waiting on deck.
Infantino is off and running with a great .018 light and takes the win when his opponent goes red.
Ryan Horensky in the beautiful B/SA Mustang.
We have Nick Reiter over there in the equally beautiful D/SA Charger.
Reiter leaves and Horensky follows, almost dead-even at the 'Tree. I'm not sure how much dipping and dumping went on upstairs but they both ran off the dial. Horensky is closer for the win.

Duane Hoven in the E/SA Firebird.

Bobby Fazio in the L/SA Mustang gave it a good shot but came up short against the .008 light that Eugene Monahan strapped on him.
Steve Sawka in the A/SA Camaro.
Sawka lights the red light to end his day.
Bob Moran in the B/SA Camaro is out there on the FS/B Challenger of Jonathan Allegrucci. Moran had a big advantage at the 'Tree and turns it into a win as Allegrucci breaks out.
Our friend Joe Mocci waits in the water.
Francois Periard in the B/SA Plymouth gets ready to take on Mocci.

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